The MUMC November Winter Coat Drive was a huge success!

THANK YOU to all who donated new and gently worn coats,

sweaters, gloves, hates and scarves.

MUMC members, friends and neighbors donated 546 items,

all of which were taken to the

Frederick Rescue Mission for distribution to 

those within our community who are most in need.

Health News

Please help keep our congregation safe!

Use hand sanitizer before entering the sanctuary to prevent the transmission of

Covid and Flu.

PLEASE stay home if
you are experiencing new onset of any of the following symptoms: fever, cough, severe headache, vomiting or diarrhea, or sore throat. The Health Ministries Team

Click here to take a look at the complete MUMC Calendar.


Contact us

28325 Kemptown Road

Damascus, Maryland 20872


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